Friday, April 27, 2012

Spring Cleaning Tips - Part 2

5. Stick to One Room at a Time - Similar to tip #2, don't go overboard and organize sections of different rooms without finishing one. If only a small portion of every room is clean, it will be hard to see the progress. Tackle it in pieces and go one room at a time. The accomplished feeling after one room is clean will be worth it to move on to the next room.

6. Double Time - When pulling things out of drawers, cabinets and off of shelves to clean, remember to organize as you go. As you taking things out, put the things you're going to keep in groupings with similar things. That way when the space is clean, your things will already be sorted and ready to be put in place, rather than laying in a giant pile of chaos.

7. Mix & Match Cleaning Tasks- There's always that one (or several) task in each room that makes you want to give up before you even begin. By recognizing the harder parts of the room to clean, you can balance the nitty gritty with the simple stuff and alternate your focus.

8. Reward System - If a clean, organized home isn't enough to keep you spring cleaning, create small and larger rewards for yourself that won't interfere with your cleaning. Maybe for a 10 minute break, you can read a magazine and then after you're done for the day, you get to watch a movie without checking your email! When the house is looking beautiful inside & out, host friends and show off your hardwork.

While you're going through all of your things, why not take inventory of your home with an iPhone App like this one or this one? There are also inventory apps for Android users here and here.

Need some ideas on what to clean? Here are some thoughtsideas.

What is the task you dread most when seasonal cleaning?

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