Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spring Cleaning Tips - Part 1

For a few weeks in March and April, I thought spring had completely forgotten us. With highs in the 80s and 90s some days, Ames seemed to be in Summer Mode. Spring weather has come though and it's a good reminder that deep cleaning, organizing, and purging unused items really is ideal in mild weather like we've had lately.

Though the results are almost always a great feeling, getting the house to that point can be stressful for most people. Here are a few tips to get the ball rolling on cleaning out your home for spring and summer:

1. Gather Supplies - Nothing can kill motivation to clean and organize like having to make trips to the super store to get one thing several times. Gather what you have, assess what you'll need and go to the store on the front end.

As you run out of supplies, try to finish what you can with what you have and then go to the store when you need/can foresee needing at least 3 things. Wait to buy your groceries and toiletries after you're done spring cleaning for the day to avoid distraction when you get home.

2. Tackle It In Pieces - An entire house is to daunting a task to tackle - but one section of kitchen cabinets is doable, then onto the next section, and then onto the hall closet. By moving in sections, you aren't tempted to pull everything off of every shelf in the house. This makes small, manageable amounts of mess instead of one large overwhelming pile in every room. You'll feel accomplished after each portion and be motivated to move to the next.

3. Time It - You know when you set aside an entire day to do something? It usually takes the entire day. Whether the task of a 16 hour project is so daunting that you distract yourself with other things or 16 hours makes you feel like you have to use the time up, you're usually wasting some of that time.

Set aside manageable, yet slightly challenging amounts of time for specific projects. This way you will work towards the deadline and remain focused while not spending time over thinking things. Set a timer or make an upbeat playlist that ends after your allotted amount of time.

4. Keep, Trash, Sell/Donate - As you're cleaning and organizing, only organize the things worth keeping. The rest, sort into two bins: 1. Trash & 2. Sell/Donate. Once their in those bins, leave them alone until you're done with your organizational task.

These two bins are important because you don't want to waste your time cleaning around things you don't even want. These things are taking up room in your home when they could be elsewhere. A good rule of thumb is if you haven't used it for one year, you don't need it.

Tips 5 -8 on Friday

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