Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ames Holiday Actvities: November 30-December 2

The city of Ames has several holiday activities planned this month. This weekend is full of family friendly things to do to celebrate the Christmas season. I have compiled a list of the top holiday events to participate in this coming weekend.

Festival of Trees Workshop | The Octagon
The Octagon Center for the Arts is sponsoring an ornament and holiday workshop as part of the Festival of Trees. While you're there making ornaments, make sure you check out their array of beautifully adorned Christmas trees.
Saturday, December 1st - 1:30pm to 3:30pm | Free/Free Will Donations

ISU Forestry Christmas Tree Sale | Reiman Gardens Parking Lot
Haven't picked out a Christmas tree yet? Why not support Iowa State students in Forestry and get the perfect tree?  Conveniently located in the Reiman Gardens parking lot, you can do many of the  events offered at Reimans and take your tree home afterwards.
Friday, November 30th - 3pm to 8pm
Saturday, December 1st - 9am to 5pm
Sunday, December 2nd - 12pm to 5pm

Christmas Cookie Demonstration | Cooks Emporium
The annual Christmas cookie demonstration at Cooks Emporium is this Saturday. Get great recipes, ideas and tips for your holiday baking this season.
Saturday, December 1st - 10am | $5

Central Iowa Symphony Sounds of the Season Concert | Ames City Auditorium
The orchestra will be playing holiday classics all night. This would be a great date night idea to celebrate the Christmas season.
Saturday, December 1st - Doors Open 6:45pm, Performance Starts 7:30pm | $20

Snowball Drop | Tom Evans Park on Main Street
Holiday prizes, coupons, and discounts will be falling from the sky at Tom Evans Park this Saturday during the annual Snowball Drop. Stop here before going holiday shopping.
Saturday, December 1st - 1pm | Free

Altrusa Home Tour | Homes in Ames
Curious about the interior of the most beautiful homes in Ames? Here's a great opportunity to see some of those homes decorated for Christmas in the Altrusa Home Tour. There will be five homes in Ames included the tour: 3002 Sapphire Circle, 5316 Thackeray Drrive, 51552 180th Street, 1919 Polk Drive, 4317 Timber Ridge Drive.
Saturday, December 1st - 1pm to 5pm | $12 Advance/$15 At the Door
Sunday, December 2nd - 1pm to 5pm | $12 Advance/$15 At the Door

Santa Express Train | Boone & Scenic Valley Railroad
On board, you will sing Christmas carols, hear the story of "Santa's Scenic Valley Ride," be served hot chocolate and a cookie, meet, and receive a silver bell from, Santa.
Saturday, December 1st - 10:30am, 1pm, 3pm, & 6pm | $16

Holiday Music | Reiman Gardens
Live holiday music will be preformed at Reiman Gardens this weekend. Reiman Gardens has decked the halls and is ready for Christmas. Enjoy the scenory and the music offered at Reiman Gardens this weekend.
Saturday, December 1st - 12pm to 3pm | General Admission Rates
Sunday, December 2nd - 12pm to 3pm | General Admission Rates

Ames Children's Choirs Holiday Concert | Bethesda Lutheran Church
The talented children of Ames Children's Choirs will be performing holiday music at Bethesda Lutheran Church. There will be songs sung in several languages, including Portuguese, Hebrew, Latin & English.
Sunday, December 2nd - 3pm | $8 Adults/$5 Students & Seniors

Do you have events that you traditionally go to in Ames during the holidays? Will you be going to any of these activities listed?

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